Saturday, December 25, 2004

And So This Is Christmas...

It’s Christmas morning and very quiet here on Cape Cod. My husband is away until Wednesday chasing celeb pix. I suppose this is the life we’ve chosen for the next few years, but it sure would be nice having him home.

Haven’t caught the news yet but I’m sure there’s been more trouble in Iraq, a baby Jesus has been ripped off from a nativity scene and a Santa must have been picked up for soliciting a minor on the Internet. We’ll see…

Merry Christmas to all!


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I've gotten it!

Yes... I've been able to track down the Pill-Popping Rush Limbaugh animated puppet video. You'll find the link below. Let me know what you think.

Monday, December 20, 2004

I'm too old to stay up late...

...but I wish that I had Saturday night. I hear that on Saturday Night Live they did an animated sketch of "Flush" Limbaugh puking on the bathroom floor after popping multiple OxyContins! You can see a screen cap below. Oh how I wish I had seen that! Now granted, they never poked fun at Belushi or any of the other dope-soaked characters that they have had on their show, but they didn't have the nerve to rail aboutwhat scum drug abusers are while all along they were sending their maids to Denny's for their daily fix. Boy did that turd have this one coming. If anyone has a tape of that let me know and I will post it on the blog.

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I hope that this assists you in your endeavor.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The World Has Gone Mad

We have incompetent CIA Directors, incompetent Army Generals, and incompetent Administrative Ambassadors getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom for completely fucking up the "War" on Terror, now this:

Man of the Year indeed!

You have to wonder what theyd have gotten if they had been successful at their endeavors... Hawaii?

***Hypocrisy Alert***

Now Frenchy's House Party's 1st Hypocrisy Alert. I'll scan the media for Hypocrisy and report it here. I suppose I'll have to name the alert after a big hypocrite. Any suggestions?

Here's our first report:

Pope: Gay Marriage 'Destroys The Fabric Of Society'
by Newscenter Staff

(Vatican City) Pope John Paul launched a new assault on same-sex marriage on Saturday accusing gays of an "aggressive attempt to legally undermine the family."

In his strongest words on the subject yet the 84-year old pontiff's pre-Christmas message called on Catholics around the world to step up their opposition to gay marriage.

"Attacks on marriage and the family, from an ideological and legal aspect, are becoming stronger and more radical every day," his statement said.

"Who destroys this fundamental fabric causes a profound injury to society and provokes often irreparable damage."

The Pope also attacked couples who live together, abortion and artificial insemination. -My emphasis- (More here)

I would say we have more to worry about from pedophile priests and clergy who are victimizing our youth than from gays and lesbians who just want equal rights and the right to live our lives in peace. Just a thought.

Birthday Wishes for Tobin

As I mentioned yesterday was Tobin's 50th birthday. Many Many more, Doll! We sent or Frenchy's Spy Cam to Hedge House to see what Tobin might wish for on his big day. Here's the highly secret hidden video: