Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sandwich Loonies

I don't know... there must be something in the water in Sandwich, MA or maybe the folks there are being exposed to radiation from the Military Reservation or something but boy, are there some nutjobs there. It seems that whenever some fool decides to write something to the Cape Cod Times' Letters section calling for taking away same-sex marriage rights or anything else that may have an alleged "liberal" spin on it, they are from Chatham, Barnstable (Osterville) or Sandwich, but primarily Sandwich. I suspect that it is because these towns have the highest concentrations of obscene wealth on the Cape and thus are more attuned to the Republican Party and their cadre of "me first, screw everyone else" Christianist xenophobes. During the same-sex marriage debate, a woman named Patricia Stebbins, a well-known local mental case, sent tome after tome to the Times foisting her message of God should rule in the USA and fags are the end of society as we know it, on the rest of us. Even now if you read the letters section of the Times you can almost guess from whence the nuttiest Conservative letter writers come. I suppose it is the same anywhere.

Anyway, I got a note from Tobin today with a couple of photos that show exactly what I am talking about. This idiot lives on Gully Lane in Sandwich (go by and take a look) and has placed President Obama's severed head (a fake) on his lamp post in front of his house. Imagine! A severed head! There is a sign under it that reads "Stupid". Perhaps the sign should point to the homeowner, a retired Boston cop. I suppose that he thinks it is funny. I think it points out that people with dementia need to be observed and that their caretakers should exercise a little more control over what they do in public. Take a look at these photos.

I hope the neighbors are happy...

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