Monday, August 17, 2009

Heatwave Pizza

The Boston weather geeks have said that the area is officially in a heatwave. Gee... the sweat pouring down my back wasn't enough of an indicator, I guess.

Mr. B and I were dying to have a pizza and because I was already to bake a loaf of bread for this week and I am so cheap, I decided to make it myself rather than buy it from our fave place Alecsie's in Harwich. I had all of the stuff necessary either in the fridge or in the pantry and I was hanging out in my den, one of the two rooms air-conditioned in our nest so I could bake a loaf of bread and not roast while waiting for the bread to bake. I could bake that (at 350f) and it wouldn't heat up the house so much that it wouldn't cool down for hours like the pizza (bake at 500f) would. I decided to bake the pizza outdoors in the BBQ grille.

From my previous post on pizza baking you may recall that I use a 14-inch cast iron skillet as a baking surface. The only thing I needed to know was if the skillet would fit into the grill taking into consideration the handle and a small lip used for lifting the pan. I measured and it fit fine.

I prepared the coals and put the skillet on the grill to heat up for 20 minutes.

I made the pizza as before and slid it onto the pan's surface. You need to do this quickly and re-cover the grill so that the pan and the interior do not cool off.

Bake for 15 minutes or so and serve. Keep an eye on the bottom crust because you don't want that to burn before the toppings cook. That is why it is important to slip the pizza into the grill quickly and cover right away. Also, do not peek as that will let in the cool air as well. All said and done it was really tasty.

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