Buns In The Ovens?

Iron Chef Cat Cora has announced that she (l) and her wife Jennifer (r) are both pregnant! From Huffington Post:
"Iron Chef America" star Cat Cora (l) and her wife Jennifer Cora (r) are both pregnant, she announced. Both are expecting boys, which will double their brood. They are already parents to older boys, Caje, 22 months and Zoran, 5, from the same donor as the two who are coming.

On her MySpace blog, Cat posted the following message:

"Iron Chef's Cat Cora has a bigger surprise than the unveiling of her secret ingredient on her hit Food Network show; She's expecting her third--and fourth--sons! "It's really crazy!" the chef, 41, tells OK! Most unusual, Cat will give birth three months after her partner, Jennifer Cora, 37. "We decided that having them a year apart is harder than having kids as infants together," Cat says of their planned pregnancies. Their four children have the same sperm donor but Cat says," [Jennifer] carried my embryo amd [sic] I carried hers. It's like surrogating, but obviously all of our kids are equal."


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