In the name of "Bi-partisanship"

Congressional Democrats, in order to sway some Republicans to join them in the economic stimulus package, have "sweetened the deal" by adding business tax cuts and taking out some spending programs that the Republican "noise machine" made fun of (see: School Yard Bullies). The House stimulus package passed the chamber without one Republican vote for passage, which made me (and others) think; Why give them anything if they are going to vote against it anyway?

The Democrats are in the majority because the Republicans so thoroughly screwed up the economy with their disastrous war, out of control spending on Defense, Homeland Security (anyone out there still feel safe?), and tax cuts for Exxon/Mobil, Shell and others. I say that the "Dems" should take those tax cuts and spending on ridiculous items such as iPods, lingerie, etc.
and spend the money where it is needed in jobs production, infrastructure, and mortgage assistance or tax cuts for middle and low-income families. That would certainly stimulate the economy of our little nest here on the Cape. As the old saying goes, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

'Nuff said.


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