A Study in Contrasts
Let's see what the Democrats accomplished while Nancy Pelosi was Speaker (From the DailyKos):
- Health insurance reform: Initial bill had public option, before Senate stripped it out; Kids can stay on parents' insurance 'til age 26; Closes Medicare "Doughnut Hole"; Eliminates pre-existing conditions; Expands coverage to tens of millions
- Repeal of Don't Ask, Don’t Tell
- Ethics reform
- Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
- American Clean Energy and Security Act
- Extension of Childrens Health Insurance Program
- Raising the minimum wage
- Food Safety Enhancement Act
- Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act
- Small Business Jobs Act
- The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act
- Injecting resources into the economy to prevent the Bush recession from sliding into a second Great Depression, saving/creating millions of jobs in the process
- Dodd-Frank financial regulation reform
- James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act
- Helping America maintain a sterling AAA credit rating
- Working long hours for long stretches doing the people's business during a very difficult time
And now that John Boner is the Speaker?
- Voting to repeal the "Job-Killing Health Care Law Act." (The repeal would have little, if any, effect on jobs but would add to the deficit, says the CBO.)
- Attempting to dismantle Medicare by voting to pass a budget that turns it into a coupon program
- Voting for unnecessary anti-abortion bills and...more unnecessary anti-abortion bills!
- Panicking world financial markets by holding the debt ceiling hostage; causing S&P to downgrade the U.S. credit rating by convincing them that the "party of fiscal discipline" wouldn't think twice about defaulting on our debts
- Naming some Post Offices
- Holding the FAA---and tens of thousands of jobs---hostage for the sake of weakening unions
- Refusing to consider an extension of the payroll tax cut
- A breezy, leisurely work pace with lots and lots of days off during a very difficult time
- A promise to create "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs" during election season, but ignoring job creation completely once elected
Speaker Boner... Where are the JOBS??
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