
Showing posts from 2007

A Star Wars Holiday Special with Bea Arthur

A Little Holiday Gift

When can you find a headline like this one? When GOP Senator "Lavvy" Craig is involved!

Autumn at FHP Headquarters

Tucker Carlson is an idiot

Barney Frank is my hero!

Virulently Anti-Gay Washington State Politician in Gay-Sex Scandal

The Hits Keep On Comin'"

The Contessa di Pomidori & I Make Vinegar Peppers

Me... Hard at work...

Jeopardy... The Giuliani Edition

A Visitor From The West Coast

I Didn't Care Much About Football In My Early Years

Another Beautiful Photo From Mr. B

An Early Snow In The Mountains

You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Another headline you would pay to have drop in your lap...

GOP Senator convicted in gay toilet-sex sting will have to wait for verdict on his appeal

Ahmadinejad says "There are no homesexuals in Iran"

What it feels like to be a girl

Cape Cod Labor Day Weekend

Toe-Tapping Senator Resigns

Red State Update, Travis & Jonathan on Sen. "Lavvy" Craig, R-ID

Just the facts, Ma'am!

Perhaps Senator "Lavvy" Craig, R-ID Should Have Tried This

Senator "Lavvy" Craig, R-ID, Makes His Position Known

Sen. Craig's Trick Spills The Beans

"Traditional Marriage" gets a Gay history lesson...

Hilarious... and frightening at the same time

Just Because...

Let's File This One Under "Odd"

Provincetown Carnivale Parade 2007

Democratic Presidential Candidates Forum on LGBT Issues

Makes you think, huh?

Buzzy in a Bi-Plane

Some Photos From The Sandwich, MA July 4th Parade

Apparently Crime DOES Pay

File Under "Don't Ask If You Already Know The Answer"

A Brilliant Speech

Some More Interesting Statistics


And One Wonders Why People Tell Polish Jokes...

R.I.P. Charles Nelson Reilly

Yabba-Dabba Science