
Showing posts from 2008

Same-sex marriage is going to hurt families?!? I don't think so...

Out For A Drive On Christmas Day

Her Majesty's Christmas Speech 2008

Why Is Same-Sex Marriage Important?

Rachel Maddow on Obama's choice of Rick Warren to give the Innaugural Invocation

Bailout By The Numbers

Have a great holiday!!

These are the people who bankrolled the Proposition 8 vote in California!

Tom Tomorrow Strip from Salon

What might it be like if Christians were treated as Gays and Lesbians are?

John Stewart Eviscerates Elaine Donnelly on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Look Out! She's Coming Home!!

1st Snowstorm of the 2008 season

"Feliz Navidad!

Another From The "Standing Head" Collection

The Contessa's Knee Replacement

Two Words From President Bush

Don't Sneeze In The Shower!

President Bush comments on the Iraq War

Today's Holiday Round-up

Amazing Video

A New Feature At Frenchy's House Party!!

Just Saw The Day The Earth Stood Still

For the fools from the Rust Belt that continue to support GOP Senators for re-election

Captain!! What do you plan to do with that??!!??

Music For A Rainy Morning

A New Day At Frenchy's House Party!!


The Most Amazing Thing...

At Barnstable Pottery's Open House

"Standing Head"

Very Proud Of Husband Today

A Parting Image of Larry Craig

Back from vacation

Sandwich "Dems" celebrate Obama Victory

Profligate "Wasilla Hillbillies" Spent More On Clothes, Accessories Than Previously Reported

We hold these truths to be self evident

OMG... I Can't Wait!

What's next for Sarah Palin?

Obama Wins!!!

Halloween at Hedge House

Evangelicals Pray Before Golden Idol On Wall Street

My Trip To France, Part 1

The Boys In The Band

Christopher Hitchens on Sarah Palin

A simple case of accountability

Saturday Morning Humor

Today's Look At McCain Supporters Going to Their Rallies

Republican Sense of Entitlement?

Morning Music

Posted from my mobile phone...

Mike and Alison's Wedding

The New Cover Of The Progressive

The Boys serving ham and beans at the UU Supper

Mike and Alison are married!

Comic Relief


A frightening look at this election

Palin: "Real Americans Don't Apologize


Hillary says Obama is "Three for Three" in debate

An excellent Obama ad!

Philadelphia Philly Matt Stairs Enjoys His Home Run Reward

Filthy Knuckle-dragger

Heading off to Oktoberfest

In honor of National Coming Out Day (Tomorrow)

Friday Afternoon Disco

Your Afternoon Break from Politics

The McCain-Palin Mob Mentality

A little Carmen Miranda?

Donna Brazile is NOT going to the back of the bus!!

From Today's New York Times Editorial Page 10-8-08

Seperated at Birth: Sarah "Six-Pack" Palin and Betty Boop