Thursday, June 18, 2009

First "Pick-up" at Cape Cod Organic Farm

As you may remember we signed up for the Community Supported Agriculture program at Cape Cod Organic Farm in Barnstable.

Briefly the idea is that you pay $500 to sign up and once a week , from June 18 to November 17, you go to the farm and get a selection of vegetables and fruit that is ripe and ready to go, for a family of four, plus a bouquet of flowers and starting in September a dozen eggs (the chicks are still too young to lay eggs).

Today was the first pick-up day at the farm. Mr. B and I got onto our broom and went down there to pick up our stuff right on time. I will say that at first I was little taken aback by the amount of stuff we got but then I remembered that it has been a cool spring with little sun and lots of rain. I suspect that once everything else starts growing the boxes of produce will be a little more generous. At any rate here is a little video of the excursion and a photo of the produce we got this week. I'll update you all again next week.

This week: peas, lettuce, strawberries and marigolds

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