Jenny Craig Diet Update, Week 12

Just thought I'd throw in this photo of some good ol' fried chicken to make your mouth water. 

How you durrin'? I went to see my Jenny Craig girl Kim last night, to get weighed in and to pick up my food for the rest of the week. I usually go on Mondays but this week I delayed it. Last weekend was Father's Day and we had my in-laws visit us for the weekend and of course I couldn't subject them to a weekend of diet food so the diet went out the window. The general staples around the house included a Boston coffee cake, Entenmanns' Raspberry Danish Twist, nuts, crackers, pub cheese, onion dip, potato chips... well you get the picture. We had Chinese take-out on Saturday night and on Sunday we had a barbecue consisting of stuffed (devilled) eggs, grilled sirloin, barbecued chicken, grill-roasted potatoes with onion and thyme, corn on the cob and delicious chocolate cake prepared by my dear mother-in-law Deb. I certainly had to try everything and it was all delicious if I do say so myself. 

On Monday morning I was so sure that I had really put more than just a couple of pounds (I felt like I had a food hangover) I decided to call Jenny's and reschedule my appointment for later in the week where some exercising and some restraint might make a difference on the scale at Jenny's. I also had food left over so I could stick to the Jenny plan with the stuff I had. I called them yesterday and asked if they could take me after work. They said sure. 

I went in cringing because I did not know what to expect but I bravely stepped on the scale and to my surprise I had lost 5 pounds! I was floored however I'll take that and run with it. That brings the grand total to 38.4 pounds in 12 weeks! Not bad, eh? 

Check back next week for more exciting news for the fat farm!


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