Monday, February 28, 2011

March Holidays

Sally's yummy Boiled Dinner
March has some great food holidays. Of course, sometimes Easter falls in March so there's all that ham and chocolate to enjoy. I'm also partial to lamb for Easter although it has been years since I roasted lamb for a holiday. I do have a rack in the freezer that may serve the purpose. We'll see. 

Anyway I was speaking mostly of St Patrick's Day (March 17) and St. Joseph's Day (or Il Festa di San Giuseppe... March 19). We have been going to Sally Tomatoes' house lately for Corned Beef and Cabbage on St. Patty's Day and I believe that is "Ground Zero" for that meal again this year. Sally always does a bang-up job on Boiled Dinner so I am really looking forward to it.

Zeppoli di San Giuseppe
Also there are the Zeppoli di San Giuseppe that I have mentioned before in a previous post (here). We still haven't settled on a bakery for purchasing the zeppoli but I am leaning toward the suggestion of Linda, La Reine du Barbecue who suggested Zacaggnini's. So it's "Irish" on the 17th and Italian on the 19th. I can't wait.

But there's more! I forgot that Purim is on the 20th and I believe I have found the perfect item to have fun with on this festive occasion. What do you serve?

Brisket Sandwich with two latkes as buns.

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