132 House Dems Sign Amicus Brief in California DOMA Case

From Andy Towle at Towleroad.com
The 30-page brief makes the case against Section 3 of DOMA, which prohibits federal recognition of same-sex marriage, in several ways, emphasizing that BLAG doesn’t speak for the entirety of the U.S. House. House Democrats have pledged to file a brief in each case where BLAG acts to defend DOMA.
First, the lawmakers argue DOMA warrants heightened scrutiny because Congress has a history of targeting gay and lesbian Americans with discriminatory laws — a position that is held by the Obama administration.
House Democrats then argue that DOMA is unconstitutional because Congress hastily passed it in 1996 for political reasons and because the law undercuts Congress’ interest in protecting families and respecting state sovereignty.
Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-MA

One of the House Democrats that did not sign this Amicus Brief is a Congressman from our own state, Rep. Stephen Lynch. I am surprised by this as the Congressman represents a state where citizens are being discriminated against by DOMA which is already being challenged in the federal courts.  I called Megan Maher, Congressman Lynch's press secretary to get a statement from the representative about his refusal to sign onto this Brief. I will post this statement when (and if) I get one.


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