Randy Price, Pt. 2

The more I think of it the more I am dissatisfied with WHDH's (Channel 7 in Boston) decision to give Randy the tin tack. I fired this note off to them today:

I was very surprised and disappointed to see that Randy Price has left the station. I have been a fan of Randy’s for many years. His newscast was an easy segue into the NBC Nightly News which I have watched for years as well. I must say that I have been thinking about leaving the viewing "family” for some time because of the stupid “dog bites man” and other tabloid style fluff pieces you seem to populate your newscasts with. Randy was the only bright spot in your group of news readers. He was clear, erudite, informed and you could see that he has the “believability” factor sewn up. I have never respected Frances Rivera’s work, nor the new news “dish” Kim Kazei. They have no credibility and none of the (again) believability of Randy. Your “show” really needed him to give your broadcasts “gravitas” and that is nowhere to be seen now that your news department is populated with “newsbabe” airheads.

My decision to leave ‘HDH is now easy. While I will definitely keep watching NBC Nightly News, I will not be viewing your newscasts anymore.


p. s. As I was sending this to you, my spellchecker asked about the spelling of Kazei and offered Kazoo as an alternative spelling. Is that appropriate or what?
What do you think?


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