
Showing posts from 2010

"The dreams that you wish will come true"

We're going to dodge the bullet on this storm I think.

Brunch at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston

Antoine "Hide yo husbands" Dodson does a Christmas Carol

Have a wonderful holiday!

Is this guy insane or what??!!??

Holiday Funnies

Holiday Cooking

This should be good

That didn't take long

My reaction to the DADT vote

Holy Crimes


DADT Vote in Senate passes procedural test

Today's Rant - Words That Drive Me Crazy

Pope Palpatine has a bachelorette party at the Vatican with topless male acrobats!

No Confetti Yet

At the company holiday party.

Procedural vote in Senate dooms repeal of DADT

Oh no!

And this is who we have deciding our fates in Washington

Christo-Fascist American "Family" Association says WikiLeaks is the fault of gays wanting the repeal of DADT

Elizabeth Edwards

I am so disappointed today

Viber for iPhone

Sage advice

Christo-Fascists in Texas and their war on anyone not Christian

Holy Crimes