Pick up day at the organic farm

Today is Thursday and that means pick up day at the organic farm. Now some of you know that I have been going to the farm for 3 weeks now and have noticed that the boxes supposedly containing veggies for a family of four have been "light" to say the least. The weather has been uncooperative and so the crops have been light as well, but this week is a little ridiculous.

From the photo below you can see that while I have mixed salad greens "a plenty" the rest of the box is seriously lacking. How I am supposed to feed a "family of four" (according to the CSA literature) with 1 small piece of romanesco, 1 dozen pea pods and 10 stalks of asparagus is beyond me.

I hope that this is, indeed, due to the weather and that sometime soon we will be getting more than advertised to make up for the last three weeks. Check back next week for an update.

This week: Mixed salad greens, a small bunch of swiss chard, 1 very small stalk of romanesco, a few asparagus spears, 1 dozen pea pods, a small pint of strawberries and a bunch of cut flowers.


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