
This is a photo of Ruth Madoff on the subway in NYC just after Federal marshals delivered eviction notices to her (now former) $7-million duplex penthouse. While gathering a few things Ms. Madoff asked the marshals if she could take her favorite fur coat and they told her no.

No I can't help but think that this woman was well aware of what her a$$h@le husband was up to in screwing all of those investors as she did have some sort of job at Bernie's office. If she did she should be in jail along with her husband.

However, if she didn't know anything or was just too stupid to notice anything going on I could feel very bad for this woman. She's reduced from a high-spending lifestyle where money, cars, homes, boats and jets were de rigueur to living the rest of her life with only (I wish I had that much) $2.5-million. She cannot show her face anywhere in NYC without the "paps" snapping her photo. She has no friends that her husband hasn't screwed and she is an outcast. A pariah.

If I were she I would take that $2.5M, change my name and find a little spot in Idaho where she can live out the rest of her life in obscurity. At any rate this photo of her in the subway pleads for the caption "See how the mighty have fallen". Plus that poster above her reads "99 cents does more".

Oh Snap!


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